If you are coming to Lisbon, traveling around or don't know where to go feel invited to the Nomadbase Lisbon.
If you are long time traveler, nomad, hitchhiker etc. you can stay for at least one week. It depends of how many people are staying in the nomadbase at the moment. To stay as long as one feels like is not possible because of the limited space. If you don't belong to any of these groups but you want to stay at the nomadbase, feel free to contact us.
Staying at the nomadbase is for free in terms of money. You also don't need to spend time with hosts or cook your traditional meals for them (not only because there are no hosts here). This place during your staying here is for you to rest, work on your project, sleep, meet other people...
Althought there are no hosts here it means that everybody takes care of the place equally. All the people staying at the same time in the nomadbase are responsible for the taking care of it, cleaning it, changing it and also setting, changing or (???) rules.
Contact us
If you want to come, let us know. If you write to us by email, please include a link to some of your hospex profile (trustroots, bewelcome, warmshowers, couchsurfing) if you have it and introduce yourself.Please take with you
- sleeping bag
- sleeping pad (we have only floor to sleep on and we don't have any spare equipment)
- towel
What can the nomadbase offer
- fully equipped kitchen
- bathroom with a warm shower
- washing mashine
- place on the floor to sleep
- quiet place to learn/work
- electricity
- separate (from the rest of the place) room only for sleeping
- wi-fi
- dumpster dived food (if somebody is dumpster diving there is usually a lot of the food but we are not promising to feed you)
Our place is localized close to the train station Alges, 15 min from the center by train. There are also trams and buses very close to the place. You can also easily get from here in the direction of Cascais with more nature and beaches on the ocean.We have a small beach just on the other side of the road.